Paying for your tax service is easy

If applicable, please make payment for service*

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We look forward to helping you with your tax preparation and further streamlining your taxes more completely with your financial planning and investment management. Please take a minute to view the payment options below, select the appropriate option and submit your payment.







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*You must be a client of rebel Financial as of 12/31 of the previous year to be eligible for rF Tax services in the current year as well as signing up for the service before 1/31 of the current year. You must have >$150,000 in billable (i.e. you pay us a fee on the amount managed) in assets under management (AUM), as of 12/31 of last year, for free in-house prep. Lastly, you must have >$750,000 in billable AUM as of 12/31 of the previous year to qualify for free tax prep from our CPA partners (HBK or Harper & Co), otherwise, you need to pay the aforementioned fee.
**Lastly, please note that audit protection is an extra expense, even for our free in-house prep. In the case of an audit and/or IRS inquiry, you are responsible for all correspondence and document requirements if you do not purchase the audit protection.
