function readInput(){
var FS = document.getElementById(“filingStatus”).value;
let age1 = Number(document.getElementById(“below5”).value);
let age2 = Number(document.getElementById(“between6and17”).value);
let income = Number(document.getElementById(“package”).value);
//Loading data into variables FS, age1, age2 and income we fill on webpage
if(age1then 2*50 => x=100
let child1 = (Math.max((a1*(1600-x)),0)) + (a1*2000);
//Here max function makes total amount 0 when phaseout amount exceeds 1600
let child2 = (Math.max((a2*(1000-x)),0)) + (a2*2000);
total = child1 + child2;
document.getElementById(‘display’).innerHTML = total;
else {
let x = (Math.ceil((i-max2)/1000))*50;
let child1 = Math.max((a1*(2000-x)),0);
let child2 = Math.max((a2*(2000-x)),0);
total = child1 + child2;
document.getElementById(‘display’).innerHTML = total;
.alignCenter {
text-align: center;
Filing Status:
Select Filing Status
Single/Married Filing Separately
Head of Household
Married Filing Jointly
Enter Number of Children below age 5:
Enter Number of Children between age 6-17:
Enter Income: